

The plan that defines the cluster


cluster_topology (array[ElasticsearchClusterTopologyElement], required)
deployment_template (DeploymentTemplateReference)
Documents which deployment template was used in the creation of this plan
elasticsearch (ElasticsearchConfiguration, required)
Defines the Elasticsearch cluster settings. (If specified at the top level provides a field-by-field default; at the topology level provides the overrides)
tiebreaker_override (boolean)
DEPRECATED: Scheduled for removal in a future version of the API. Whether to add a tiebreaker node in an unused zone (defaults to auto-decide based on topology). If master nodes are specified then this cannot be left blank, you must explictly decide true or false.
tiebreaker_topology (TiebreakerTopologyElement)
DEPRECATED: Scheduled for removal in a future version of the API. Defines the topology (capacity and location) of the special tiebreaker node. If masters nodes are present, their topology acts as a default for the tiebreaker topology
transient (TransientElasticsearchPlanConfiguration)
Defines configuration parameters that control how the plan (ie consisting of the cluster topology and Elasticsearch settings) is applied
zone_count (integer as int32)
DEPRECATED: Scheduled for removal in a future version of the API. Please use cluster_topology.zone_count instead. The default number of zones in which data nodes will be placed, if not specified in the per topology settings


   "cluster_topology" : [
         "allocator_filter" : {},
         "elasticsearch" : {
            "curation" : {
               "from_instance_configuration_id" : "string",
               "to_instance_configuration_id" : "string"
            "docker_image" : "string",
            "enabled_built_in_plugins" : [
            "system_settings" : {
               "auto_create_index" : true,
               "default_shards_per_index" : 0,
               "destructive_requires_name" : true,
               "enable_close_index" : true,
               "monitoring_collection_interval" : 0,
               "monitoring_history_duration" : "string",
               "reindex_whitelist" : [
               "scripting" : {
                  "expressions_enabled" : true,
                  "file" : {
                     "enabled" : true,
                     "sandbox_mode" : true
                  "inline" : null,
                  "mustache_enabled" : true,
                  "painless_enabled" : true,
                  "stored" : null
               "use_disk_threshold" : true,
               "watcher_trigger_engine" : "string"
            "user_bundles" : [
                  "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "url" : "string"
            "user_plugins" : [
                  "elasticsearch_version" : "string",
                  "name" : "string",
                  "url" : "string"
            "user_settings_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_json" : {},
            "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
            "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
            "version" : "string"
         "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
         "memory_per_node" : 0,
         "node_configuration" : "string",
         "node_count_per_zone" : 0,
         "node_type" : {
            "data" : true,
            "ingest" : true,
            "master" : true,
            "ml" : true
         "size" : {
            "resource" : "string",
            "value" : 0
         "zone_count" : 0
   "deployment_template" : {
      "id" : "string",
      "version" : "string"
   "elasticsearch" : null,
   "tiebreaker_override" : true,
   "tiebreaker_topology" : {
      "memory_per_node" : 0
   "transient" : {
      "cluster_settings_json" : {},
      "plan_configuration" : {
         "calm_wait_time" : 0,
         "cluster_reboot" : "string",
         "extended_maintenance" : true,
         "max_snapshot_attempts" : 0,
         "move_allocators" : [
               "allocator_down" : true,
               "from" : "string",
               "to" : [
         "move_instances" : [
               "from" : "string",
               "instance_down" : true,
               "to" : [
         "move_only" : true,
         "override_failsafe" : true,
         "preferred_allocators" : [
         "reallocate_instances" : true,
         "skip_data_migration" : true,
         "skip_post_upgrade_steps" : true,
         "skip_snapshot" : true,
         "skip_upgrade_checker" : true,
         "timeout" : 0
      "restore_snapshot" : {
         "repository_config" : {
            "raw_settings" : {}
         "repository_name" : "string",
         "restore_payload" : {
            "indices" : [
            "raw_settings" : {}
         "snapshot_name" : "string",
         "source_cluster_id" : "string",
         "strategy" : "string"
      "strategy" : {
         "grow_and_shrink" : {},
         "rolling" : {
            "allow_inline_resize" : true,
            "group_by" : "string",
            "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
            "skip_synced_flush" : true
         "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
   "zone_count" : 0