

Autodiscover allows you to watch for system changes and dynamically adapt settings to them, as they happen. This is specially useful when running your infrastructure on containers.

When you run an application on containers it becomes a moving target to the monitoring system. Autodiscover allows you to automatically detect what’s running and update settings to monitor it.

You can define configuration templates for different containers. Autodiscover subsystem will use them to monitor services as they start running.

You define autodiscover settings in the metricbeat.autodiscover section of the metricbeat.yml config file. To enable autodiscover, you specify a list of providers.



Autodiscover providers work by watching for events on the system and translating those events into internal autodiscover events with a common format. When you configure the provider, you can use fields from the autodiscover event to set conditions that, when met, launch specific configurations.


Docker autodiscover provider watches for Docker containers start and stop. These are the available fields on every event:

  • host
  • port
  • docker.container.image
  • docker.container.labels

For example:

  "host": "",
  "port": 6379,
  "docker": {
    "container": {
      "id": "382184ecdb385cfd5d1f1a65f78911054c8511ae009635300ac28b4fc357ce51"
      "name": "redis",
      "image": "redis:3.2.11",
      "labels": {
        "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "default"

You can define a set of configuration templates to be applied when the condition matches an event. Templates define a condition to match on autodiscover events, together with the list of configurations to launch when this condition happens.

Conditions match events from the provider. Providers use the same format for Conditions that processors use.

Configuration templates can contain variables from the autodiscover event. They can be accessed under data namespace. For example, with the example event, "${data.port}" will resolves to 6379.

Metricbeat supports templates for modules:

    - type: docker
        - condition:
              docker.container.image: "redis"
            - module: redis
              metricsets: ["info", "keyspace"]
              hosts: "${}:6379"

This configuration launches a redis module for all containers running an image with redis in the name.