PostgreSQL Module


This module periodically fetches metrics from PostgreSQL servers.

Module-Specific Configuration Notes


When configuring the hosts option, you must use Postgres URLs of the following format:


The URL can be as simple as:

- module: postgresql
  hosts: ["postgres://localhost"]

Or more complex like:

- module: postgresql
  hosts: ["postgres://localhost:40001?sslmode=disable", "postgres://otherhost:40001"]

In case you use username and password in the hosts array, this information will be sent with each event as part of the field. To prevent sending username and password the config options username and password can be used.

- module: postgresql
  metricsets: ["status"]
  hosts: ["postgres://localhost:5432"]
  username: root
  password: test



This module was tested with PostgreSQL 9.5.3 and is expected to work with all versions >= 9.

Example Configuration


The PostgreSQL module supports the standard configuration options that are described in Modules Configuration. Here is an example configuration:

#- module: postgresql
    # Stats about every PostgreSQL database
    #- database

    # Stats about the background writer process's activity
    #- bgwriter

    # Stats about every PostgreSQL process
    #- activity

  #enabled: true
  #period: 10s

  # The host must be passed as PostgreSQL DSN. Example:
  # postgres://localhost:5432?sslmode=disable
  # The available parameters are documented here:
  # Warning: specifying the user/password in the hosts array is possible
  # but it will result in the password being present in the output documents.
  # We recommend using the username and password options instead.
  #hosts: ["postgres://localhost:5432"]

  # Username to use when connecting to PostgreSQL. Empty by default.
  #username: user

  # Password to use when connecting to PostgreSQL. Empty by default.
  #password: pass



The following metricsets are available: