MySQL Status Metricset


The MySQL status metricset collects data from MySQL by running a SHOW GLOBAL STATUS; SQL query. This query returns a large number of metrics.



For a description of each field in the metricset, see the exported fields section.

Here is an example document generated by this metricset:

    "@timestamp": "2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z",
    "beat": {
        "hostname": "",
        "name": ""
    "metricset": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "module": "mysql",
        "name": "status",
        "rtt": 115
    "mysql": {
        "status": {
            "aborted": {
                "clients": 13,
                "connects": 16
            "binlog": {
                "cache": {
                    "disk_use": 0,
                    "use": 0
            "bytes": {
                "received": 2100,
                "sent": 92281
            "connections": 33,
            "created": {
                "tmp": {
                    "disk_tables": 0,
                    "files": 6,
                    "tables": 0
            "delayed": {
                "errors": 0,
                "insert_threads": 0,
                "writes": 0
            "flush_commands": 1,
            "max_used_connections": 2,
            "open": {
                "files": 14,
                "streams": 0,
                "tables": 106
            "opened_tables": 113
    "type": "metricsets"