Beats version 6.0.0-beta1


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Breaking changes


Affecting all Beats

  • Rename kubernetes processor to add_kubernetes_metadata. 4473
  • Rename *.full.yml config files to *.reference.yml. 4563
  • The scripts/import_dashboards is removed from packages. Use the setup command instead. 4586
  • Change format of the saved kibana dashboards to have a single JSON file for each dashboard 4413
  • Rename configtest command to test config. 4590
  • Remove setting queue_size and bulk_queue_size. 4650
  • Remove setting dashboard.snapshot and dashboard.snapshot_url. They are no longer needed because the dashboards are included in the packages by default. 4675
  • Beats can no longer be launched from Windows Explorer (GUI), command line is required. 4420


  • Changed file metricset config to make file.paths a list instead of a dictionary. 4796


  • Renamed the heartbeat RPM/DEB name to heartbeat-elastic. 4601


  • Change all system.cpu.*.pct metrics to be scaled by the number of CPU cores. This will make the CPU usage percentages from the system cpu metricset consistent with the system process metricset. The documentation for these metrics already stated that on multi-core systems the percentages could be greater than 100%. 4544
  • Remove filters setting from metricbeat modules. 4699
  • Added type field to filesystem metrics. 4717


  • Remove the already unsupported pf_ring sniffer option. 4608



Affecting all Beats

  • Don’t stop with error loading the ES template if the ES output is not enabled. 4436
  • Fix race condition in internal logging rotator. 4519
  • Normalize all times to UTC to ensure proper index naming. 4569
  • Fix issue with loading dashboards to ES 6.0 when .kibana index did not already exist. 4659


  • Fix file.max_file_size config option for the audit file metricset. 4796


  • Fix issue where the fileset.module could have the wrong value. 4761


  • Fix issue affecting Windows services timing out at startup. 4491
  • Fix incorrect metric calculation. 4507
  • Vsphere module: used memory field corrected. 4461


  • Enabled /proc/net/tcp6 scanning and fixed ip v6 parsing. 4442


  • Removed validation of top-level config keys. This behavior was inconsistent with other Beats and caused maintainability issues. 4657



Affecting all Beats

  • New cli subcommands interface. 4420
  • Allow source path matching in add_docker_metadata processor. 4495
  • Add support for analyzers and multifields in fields.yml. 4574
  • Add support for JSON logging. 4523
  • Add test output command, to test Elasticsearch and Logstash output settings. 4590
  • Introduce configurable event queue settings:, queue.mem.flush.min_events and queue.mem.flush.timeout. 4650
  • Enable pipelining in Logstash output by default. 4650
  • Added result field to Elasticsearch QueryResult struct for compatibility with 6.x Index and Delete API responses. {issue]4661[4661]
  • The sample dashboards are now included in the Beats packages. 4675
  • Add pattern option to be used in the fields.yml to specify the pattern for a number field. 4731


  • Added file.hash_types config option for controlling the hash types. 4796
  • Added the ability to specify byte unit suffixes to file.max_file_size. 4796


  • Add experimental Redis module. 4441
  • Nginx module: use the first not-private IP address as the remote_ip. 4417
  • Load Ingest Node pipelines when the Elasticsearch connection is established, instead of only once at startup. 4479
  • Add support for loading Xpack Machine Learning configurations from the modules, and added sample configurations for the Nginx module. 4506 4609
  • Add udp prospector type. 4452
  • Enabled Cgo which means libc is dynamically compiled. 4546
  • Add Beta module config reloading mechanism 4566
  • Remove spooler and publisher components and settings. 4644


  • Enabled Cgo which means libc is dynamically compiled. 4546


  • Add random startup delay to each metricset to avoid the thundering herd problem. 4010
  • Add the ability to configure audit rules to the kernel module. 4482
  • Add the ability to configure kernel’s audit failure mode. 4516
  • Add experimental Aerospike module. 4560
  • Vsphere module: collect custom fields from virtual machines. 4464
  • Add test modules command, to test modules expected output. 4656
  • Add processors setting to metricbeat modules. 4699
  • Support npipe protocol (Windows) in Docker module. 4751


  • Add the ability to use LevelRaw if Level isn’t populated in the event XML. 4257


  • Add file integrity metricset to the audit module. 4486