Breaking changes in 6.7


This section discusses the main changes that you should be aware of if you upgrade the Beats to version 6.7. See the release notes for a complete list of breaking changes, including changes to beta or experimental functionality.

Beats central management uses new format


The data structure used to store Beats central management data in Kibana has changed. As a result of the template changes, enrolled Beats and configuration tags created prior to 6.7 will not work until you migrate them to the new format. To migrate to the new format, use the migration tool we’ve created. For more information, see the documentation about the tool. See the release notes for a complete list of breaking changes, including changes to beta or experimental functionality.

Licensed Beats require a licensed Elasticsearch server


Elastic licensed Beats now require an Elasticsearch server that has a valid Elastic license. To use Beats with a non-licensed server, download and install an Apache 2.0 licensed distribution.