Loading the Beats Dashboards


Kibana has a large set of visualization types that you can combine to create the perfect dashboards for your needs. But this flexibility can be a bit overwhelming at the beginning, so we have created a couple of Sample Dashboards to get you started and to demonstrate what is possible based on the Beats data.

The Beats dashboards require Kibana 4 or later.

To load the sample dashboards, you run a load script. The load script uploads the example dashboards, visualizations, and searches that you can use. The load command also creates index patterns for each Beat:

  • packetbeat-*
  • topbeat-*
  • filebeat-*
  • winlogbeat-*

Use the following commands to run the script:

deb, rpm, and mac:

curl -L -O http://download.elastic.co/beats/dashboards/beats-dashboards-1.3.1.zip
unzip beats-dashboards-1.3.1.zip
cd beats-dashboards-1.3.1/

By default, the script assumes that you are running Elasticsearch on Use the -url option to specify a different location. For example: ./load.sh -url To specify a Kibana index pattern or pass in user credentials, see Other Dashboard Load Options.


  1. Download the Beats dashboards from http://download.elastic.co/beats/dashboards/beats-dashboards-1.3.1.zip.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive.
  3. Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell icon and select Run As Administrator). If you are running Windows XP, you may need to download and install PowerShell.
  4. Run the following commands to load the dashboards:

    PS > cd beats-dashboards-1.3.1
    PS > .\load.ps1

    By default, the script assumes that you are running Elasticsearch on Use the -url option to specify a different location. For example: .\load.ps1 -url To specify a Kibana index pattern or pass in user credentials, see Other Dashboard Load Options.

    If script execution is disabled on your system, you need to set the execution policy for the current session to allow the script to run. For example: PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File .\load.ps1 -url