Command Line Options


Filebeat does not have any Filebeat-specific command line options. Instead, you configure the behaviour of Filebeat by specifying options in the configuration file.

The following command line options from libbeat are also available for Filebeat.

To start Filebeat, you must use the -c config/path option to specify the path to the configuration file.

$ ./filebeat -h
Usage of ./filebeat:
  -N  Disable actual publishing for testing
  -c string
      Configuration file (default "/etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml")
      Test configuration and exit.
  -cpuprofile string
      Write cpu profile to file
  -d string
      Enable certain debug selectors
  -e  Log to stderr and disable syslog/file output
  -memprofile string
      Write memory profile to this file
  -v  Log at INFO level
      Print version and exit
Disable the publishing of events to the defined output. This option is useful only for testing the Beat.
-c <file>
Pass the location of a configuration file for the Beat.
Test the configuration file and then exit. This option is useful for troubleshooting the configuration of a Beat.
-cpuprofile <output file>
Write CPU profile data to the specified file. This option is useful for troubleshooting the Beat.
-d <selectors>
Enable debugging for the specified selectors. For the selectors, you can specify a comma-separated list of components, or you can use -d "*" to enable debugging for all components. For example, -d "publish" displays all the "publish" related messages.
Log to stderr and disable syslog/file output.
-memprofile <output file>
Write memory profile data to the specified output file. This option is useful for troubleshooting the Beat.
Enable verbose output to show INFO-level messages.
Display the Beat version and exit.