Role Based Access Control Guide


Role Based Access Control Guide


Assign roles to your team members with role based access control.

You can also limit access to certain Engines.

Role based access controls are only available within Premium Plans.

There are six different roles:

Role Description


Full control over the account, from Engine creation, to document curation and user management.


Everything that an Owner can do, except modify account settings.


Configure all aspects of an Engine and its documents.


Manage core features within the dashboard: adjust Relevance Tuning, build Curations, and arrange Synonyms. Can index and alter documents but cannot alter the schema or search settings.


View documents, test queries, and access analytics.


Manage only billing details, receives billing invoices via email.

Configuring Roles


The user who created the account is the Owner.

You can have multiple Owners. But you must have at least one.

Admins and Owners can manage team members.

Within the sidebar, click on Users.

Role Based Access Control - It starts with the Owner.

The User’s page

Next, invite your team members.

You can invite up to 100 users — separate their emails with a comma, as below.

Role Based Access Control - Add multiple users to the account.

Adding multiple users to the account.

You can then calibrate their access control.

The Owner and Admin roles by default can access all Engines.

The Finance role can only see billing information — they have no Engine access.

For the Dev, Editor, and Analyst roles, you can choose full or limited Engines access.

If you selected limited, you can then select which Engines the individual can access:

Role Based Access Control - Setting the role for a new team member.

Creating a new user who can only access the secret-project Engine.

Once configured, you will have an organized list of users:

Role Based Access Control - A team member for each role.

One user assigned to each role.

Click Manage to adjust their access, or delete to delete the user.

You now have all the knowledge you need to manage large teams across many projects!