Python Articles

Tracing a RAG based Chatbot with Elastic Distributions of OpenTelemetry and Langtrace
How to observe a OpenAI RAG based application using Elastic. Instrument the app, collect logs, traces, metrics, and understand how well the LLM is performing with Elastic Distributions of OpenTelemetry on Kubernetes with Langtrace.

Tracing, logs, and metrics for a RAG based Chatbot with Elastic Distributions of OpenTelemetry
How to observe a OpenAI RAG based application using Elastic. Instrument the app, collect logs, traces, metrics, and understand how well the LLM is performing with Elastic Distributions of OpenTelemetry on Kubernetes and Docker.

Instrumenting your OpenAI-powered Python, Node.js, and Java Applications with EDOT
Elastic is proud to introduce OpenAI support in our Python, Node.js and Java EDOT SDKs. These add logs, metrics and tracing to applications that use OpenAI compatible services without any code change.

Observing Langchain applications with Elastic, OpenTelemetry, and Langtrace
Langchain applications are growing in use. The ability to build out RAG-based applications, simple AI Assistants, and more is becoming the norm. Observing these applications is even harder. Given the various options that are out there, this blog shows how to use OpenTelemetry instrumentation with Langtrace and ingest it into Elastic Observability APM

LLM Observability with Elastic, OpenLIT and OpenTelemetry
Langchain applications are growing in use. The ability to build out RAG-based applications, simple AI Assistants, and more is becoming the norm. Observing these applications is even harder. Given the various options that are out there, this blog shows how to use OpenTelemetry instrumentation with the OpenLIT instrumentation library to ingest traces into Elastic Observability APM.

Monitor your Python data pipelines with OTEL
Learn how to configure OTEL for your data pipelines, detect any anomalies, analyze performance, and set up corresponding alerts with Elastic.

Tracing LangChain apps with Elastic, OpenLLMetry, and OpenTelemetry
LangChain applications are growing in use. The ability to build out RAG-based applications, simple AI Assistants, and more is becoming the norm. Observing these applications is even harder. Given the various options that are out there, this blog shows how to use OpenTelemetry instrumentation with OpenLLMetry and ingest it into Elastic Observability APM

Introducing Elastic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Python
Announcing the first alpha release of the Elastic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Python. See how easy it is to instrument your Python applications with OpenTelemetry in this blog post.
Automatic instrumentation with OpenTelemetry for Python applications
Learn how to auto-instrument Python applications using OpenTelemetry. With standard commands in a Docker file, applications can be instrumented quickly without writing code in multiple places, enabling rapid change, scale, and easier management.
Manual instrumentation with OpenTelemetry for Python applications
In this blog post, we will show you how to manually instrument Python applications using OpenTelemetry. We will explore how to use the proper OpenTelemetry Python libraries and in particular work on instrumenting tracing in a Python application.

How to combine OpenTelemetry instrumentation with Elastic APM Agent features
This post shows you how you can combine the OpenTelemetry tracing APIs with Elastic APM Agents. You'll learn how OpenTelemetry spans became part of a trace that Elastic APM Agents report.